MIA N. WEINER OLD MASTER DRAWINGS & OIL SKETCHES U.S. $10,000 and under click an image to see full catalog entry Several Florentine Artists 16th and 17th centuries Four Drawings Mounted to an old Album Leaf: a female nude seen from behind, a male nude seen from 3/4 rear view, a winged putto, and a seated putto blowing a conch ORAZIO FARINATI 1559 - Italian - after 1616 Juno Hamburg School 17th century Personification of Air Genoese, perhaps Bartolomeo Biscaino 17th century Hagar and Ishmael, two drawings CHARLES ERRARD Nantes 1606 - 1689 Rome Seated Angel Attributed to JAN HACKAERT 1628 - Amsterdam - 1685 Panoramic Landscape with Shepherds and Farmhouse on a Hill Overlooking the Seacoastverso: various thumbnail compositional studies PIETER VON BLOEMEN 1657 - Antwerp - 1720 An Ancient Roman Wall LORENZO DA FERRARI 1680 - Genoa - 1744 Seated Male Nude, di sotto in su GIUSEPPE BOTTANI Cremona 1717 - 1784 Mantua Drapery Study Attributed to JACOPO ALESSANDRO CALVI, called IL SORDINO 1740 - Bologna - 1815 Seated Male Academy French Sculptor later 18th century Sculptor's drawing Design for a frieze with allegorical figures of the arts FELICE GIANI San Sebastian Curone (near Alessandria) 1758 - 1823 Rome Landscape with Waterfall and Traveler ANTOINE CHANTRON 1771 - Avignon - 1842 Extensive Landscape with Classical Edifices French Artist, after Cavedone early 19th Century The Madonna & Child in Glory with Angels, Saints Almo and Petronio, and three Clerics Below French 19th Century A Red Howler and a Common Langur a pair of drawings Attributed to ALEXANDRE CALAME Vevey 1810 - 1864 Menton A Rocky River Landscape in the Zittertal Alps HERBERT DALZIEL 1853 - London - 1941 A Few Old Friends